Re: Re Is the death penalty extropian

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Fri Nov 27 1998 - 09:49:39 MST

KPJ wrote:

> Someone wrote:
> |"Is the Death Penalty Extropian?"
> Someone else <> wrote:
> |Absolutely not! Being an initiation of force, it's inconsistent
> |with the non-aggression principle. We can certainly find extropian
> |means of dealing with violent offenders, means that don't entail
> |our becoming murderers ourselves.
> Brian D Williams <> wrote:
> |The force was initiated by the murderer, so it is not inconsistent.
> |As stated previously, by definition the death penalty is not
> |murder.
> We should avoid to become like those we oppose.
> Two wrongs do not make one right.

This may be so, but you have yet to prove that killing a murderer is
wrong. Since the original judaeic laws (the Commandments) upon which our
western value system are based stated 'thou shalt not murder' (not the
erroneous 'thou shalt not kill') then only murder is wrong under our
western value system. Killing a murderer is not murder, when done either
in self defense or as the result of trial by ones peers. Therefore, two
wrongs have not been commited. More like one right cancels out one

Mike Lorrey

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