From: hurburgh (hurburgh@c3.telstra-mm.net.au)
Date: Thu Nov 26 1998 - 03:18:47 MST

Any body out there in extropy-land who is following R&D breakthrus on WWVs ?

They have got to be the ultimate communications device particularly if we can get them down to gnat-size.

Bandwidth is the obvious constraint at the moment but somewhere between satellite LEOS (v2.001 ?), G3 and whatever GSM comes up with next we must be getting close.

When brain-storming some possible applications I got:-

- great bootleg concert webcasts
- the ultimate "wish you were here", realtime, digital post-card
- great personal security & deterrent device ... "Patch me thru to McGarret!"
- or if the uplink is down , get a digital mug-shot ... "The Web's Most Wanted ?"
- we could all be special correspondents for CNN .... no thanks

Now for the nice stuff ....

- share your precious moments ( mountain-top sunrises?) with your loved-ones &/or the world

And for those really mega-events ( perhaps the dawn of the new millennium somewhere in a Pacific paradise?) a good proportion of the populace could come close to a feeling of being part of that often dreamt about, good-vibe of universal consciousness.

I'd love to get some dialog going on WWV's and where they make take us.


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