Re: Is the death penalty Extropian?

Date: Wed Nov 25 1998 - 09:08:44 MST

At 07:15 AM 11/24/98 -0800, someone wrote:
>"Is the Death Penalty Extropian?"

Absolutely not! Being an initiation of force, it's inconsistent with the
non-aggression principle. We can certainly find extropian means of dealing
with violent offenders, means that don't entail our becoming murderers

Someone else quoted Webster's definition of murder as "unlawful" killing. I
would argue that that definition is conditioned by the statist equations
"legal=good, illegal=bad", an egregiously false and destructive idea: how
many of us support the War on Drugs or other prohibitions of victimless
"crimes"? And as we all know, all sorts of predations by government and its
beneficiaries are perfectly legal.

I submit that murder is more sensibly defined as "unjustified" or
"wrongful" killing, which to me means killing for any reason other than in
immediate defense of life.

Happy Day-Before-Turkey-Day (for all you Yanks),

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