Re: Is the death penalty Extropian?

From: christophe delriviere (
Date: Tue Nov 24 1998 - 13:33:24 MST wrote:

> Max M [] wrote:
> >You can argue that a violent criminal is not that, and I would have
> to
> >agree. But wouldn't it be better to lock up the criminal until he can
> be
> >rewired with nanotech drugs or something else?
> Now you just have to explain why "rewiring" criminals is somehow
> better than
> killing them. As I see it, there are just certain kinds of people you
> can't
> share a planet with, and you have to either exile them, kill them
> mentally
> with this kind of reprogramming, or kill them physically. I don't see
> why
> killing them mentally is an improvement over killing them physically,
> and
> personally I'd argue for precisely the opposite.
> Your argument seems to be that you can reprogram them into a 'useful
> member
> of society' and that society will benefit from that. I find the idea
> of a
> legal system deciding what mental software people should run utterly
> abhorrent,
> regardless of any economic arguments. Given a choice between physical
> death
> or involuntary reprogramming into slave labor, I'll take death,
> thanks.

probably it would be better to give the choice... if i had to choose
between death and rewiring... well depend of the rewiring of course.. a
priori, i would probably prefer rewiring (except if they want to
transform my head in a pain inducer or other non reversible atrocities).
If find the death really abhorrent.


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