Re: digitizing private media

From: christophe delriviere (
Date: Tue Nov 24 1998 - 12:57:01 MST

Brian Atkins wrote:

> Noo... MP3s may be nice, but they are lower quality. Why not
> buy a Slink-e from and one or more 200 CD changers
> and permanently locate your music somewhere with a nice net
> connection. Then you could stream from the pc hooked up to
> the slink-e and listen to your music anywhere in the world
> that has the bandwidth. There probably needs to be a company
> that provides this service... hmm.

if your CD juke boxes are able to recognize mp3 CDR it's a rather good
strategy... if not that's a far too much expensive one. i would prefer
to use some huge hard drives for such process, such as the new IBM 20
gigs that will appear soon. Interesting side effect : you can copy
easily your files and thus make backups of your cds, far much secure,
and this strategy is useful for other kind of files too.


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