Re: Is the death penalty Extropian?

From: Brent Allsop (
Date: Tue Nov 24 1998 - 12:18:01 MST

> From: Brian D Williams <>

> "Is the Death Penalty Extropian?"

        I think the death penalty is violently against extropianism.
Too me, within extropianism, exists the possibility that some day,
some way or another, all things will be possible for all people. As
long as there is not some heaven that is perfect for all people, the
extropic process is not completed and we will all simply have more
work to do to get to that state. Central to this idea is the
possibility of unconditional love for all and a desire for all to do
all for all.

        Of course, as long as we are severely constrained by limits,
as long as we are mortal and so on, we can't yet give everyone
everything they want. For example, if in the distant future, I have
10 copies of my physical body out and around all consciously sharing
experiences, and a back up of a particular body and all it's
memories..., If some freekko really wanted to "murder" one of them (I
doubt this would really be the case unless he was broken or insane or
whatever which is something that person doesn't really want...) I'd
possibly be willing to let him murder one of me. (In other words, in
the perfect universe, I'd be immortal through backups or whatever so
murder would have no real meaning or would not be possible) But at the
moment, with our restrictions and mortality I can't afford to let
someone murder my one and only body. So, for the time being, we must
physically constrain such to prevent them from doing harm to us that
we cannot yet afford.

        But I think we should or can at least hope for unconditional
love for everyone and hope that some day we can give them everything
they want no matter who they are. (In reality, anyone that thinks
they want to murder someone is really insane or sick, or broken
because there is no logically rational reason for wanting to kill
someone, especially in a world without limits, or at least I hope that
such is reality.) But until we can afford to do that (or until we
know how to help them be cured of such insane desire as wanting to
kill others...), we must simply constrain them or do whatever is
required to limit them from taking from us, that which we are not yet
able to provide while giving them as much as possible which would at
least include letting them live in a prison cell, providing cryonic
preservation and so on when possible, until more is possible.

        Such may cost a lot, but hey, he aint heavy, he's my brother.
Someday I hope to be able to afford to help him get what he really
wants (or to help him discover that he doesn't really want to
murder...) and that we can all live together perfectly without
casting out, killing, or putting in hell..., anyone.

        I certainly don't think hateful hellfire and damnation, death
penalty... doctrines have anything to do with extropianism. As an
extropian I look forward to, hope for, and most importantly strive for
the day when we can find out how to eliminate all forced or violent
segregation and deprivation... I think we really all want to give all
to all and I hope that some day such will be possible some way or
another. I don't think any real extropian will ever give up until we
ALL get there. Killing someone, for whatever reson, is simply
hatfully giving up and moving in the wrong (as in anti extropy)

                Brent Allsop

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