Re: Is the death penalty Extropian?

From: Paul Hughes (
Date: Tue Nov 24 1998 - 10:58:22 MST

Brian D Williams wrote:

> Mike Cheponis <mac@Wireless.Com> and I have been having a
> discussion off-list that I thought would make a good thread for
> discussion.
> "Is the Death Penalty Extropian?"

Quick Answer: No!

> We welcome all comments on this, please state your reasons as
> thoroughly as you can.
> First of all, by definition, the death penalty is not murder.
> Murder: 1) to kill a person unlawfully and with malice. (Websters
> new world dictionary)

Define it however you want. Killing another person is murder however
you want to slice it.

> Second,I feel that the death penalty is the appropriate punishment
> for the unlawful and malicious killing of a fellow human being.

I'm glad you feel that way, I do not however share your opinion.

> I feel that the death penalty has it's problems however, it is
> often applied with a racial bias, and when it is decided upon, it
> takes too long to administer.

Yes it is often applied with a racial bias, but this is the least of its

> I do not feel deterrence is a prerequisite for it's existence, but
> I feel that if it was applied fairly, equitably, and quickly, it
> could have a deterrent effect.

What evidence do you have to support this?

> Supporting arguments for/against?

I have several arguments against the death penalty on *extropian*
grounds. However, since I'm on my way to a meeting, I'll have to
provide my long answer at another time.

Extropianism is about increasing extropy. The death penalty is a quick,
easy and lazy way to rid yourself of a problem that does not have an
easy alternative solution. You would think that as extropians, we'd be
creative and intelligent enough to come up with another solution to
increasing the extropy of otherwise entropic (criminal) individuals.
I'll comment more later...

Paul Hughes

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