Re: the L-word again

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 - 15:49:15 MST

Tet Far Jason Soon wrote:

> > "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <> writes:
> >
> > > What's my point? In my opinion, the majority of libertarians whose
> > writing on
> > > the subject I have read have also lost their objectivity, to the point of
> > > being unable to perceive that libertarianism has flaws. It's not good
> > enough
> > >to be the best system; they insist the system is perfect. They have
> In my experience, no 2 libertarians agree on everything, not even here in
> Australia which has very few libertarians to begin with.

Just like anybody else. The prime difference with libertarians is they want a
world where somebody else doesn't get to force you to do something whether you
agree with it or not. The rest of the world sees such infringements as what it
takes to get along.

Having to pay a tax you don't beleive in is coercion, just as externalizing your
own costs onto others is also coercion. If I fault most libertarians for anything
it is that too many recognize the first but not the second. I fault all
non-liberatirans for recognizing the second but not the first.

Mike Lorrey

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