niacin and cardiovascular disease

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Tue Nov 24 1998 - 00:40:34 MST

  Crouse JR 3rd.
  Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston Salem, North Carolina 27157, USA.
  New developments in the
  use of niacin for treatment of
  hyperlipidemia: new considerations in the
  use of an old drug. [Review] [47 refs]
  Coronary Artery Disease. 7(4):321-6, 1996 Apr.
  Niacin has been used for many years to
  treat hyperlipidemia. It has been shown to reduce coronary death and
  non-fatal myocardial infarction and, in a separate analysis of long-term
  (15-year) follow-up, all cause mortality. It reduces total
  cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglycerides
  and increases high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Sustained-release
  niacin may be associated with more dramatic changes in LDL-C
  and triglyceride, whereas the short acting preparation
  causes greater increases in HDL-C. The
  increase of HDL-C occurs at a lower dose (1500 mg/day) than
  the reduction of LDL-C (> 1500 mg/day).
  Niacin also favorably influences other
  lipid parameters including lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], alimentary lipemia,
  familial defective apolipoprotein B-100 and small dense LDL. Combination of
  niacin with a bile acid sequestrant or a reductase inhibitor
  represents a powerful lipid-altering regimen. Whereas the
  reductase inhibitors and bile acid binding resins primarily affect LDL-C,
  the combined therapy has a synergistic
  effect to reduce LDL-C and, in addition, the
  niacin reduces triglycerides and increases HDL-C.
  The major drawback in the
  use of niacin is associated side effects
  (flushing and palpitations) and toxicity (worsening of diabetes control,
  exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, gout, hepatitis).
  Niacin has a long history of use as a lipid
  lowering agent and has several attractive features. Unfortunately,
  the side effect profile of this agent warrants its
  use only in patients with marked dyslipidemia in whom side
  effects and potential toxicity are closely monitored. [References: 47]

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