Re: Victimless crime

From: David A. Kekich (
Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 - 07:26:39 MST

When roads are private, this will be a non-issue. The owners will make
the rules. Liability concerns and technology will keep the roads safe.
The fact that the state has a monopoly on most roads today creates the
problem you bring up... and once again has people discussing how many
angels can dance on the head of a pin.

        Once we start voting according to their rules, it weakens us. Until we
have freedom, we're going to have too many traffic fatalities, war
casualties, etc. But we'll have them forever (or until politicians wipe
out civilization) if we start caving in to their way of thinking.


Max M wrote:
> Researcing tranhumanism in general I am studying humanism. Humansim has an
> ethics system based on rationality and the right to have your own values.
> This, and some postings on this list got me thninking about laws and crimes.
> On the surface it sounds like a good idea to eliminate the victimless crimes
> from the law, like drug abuse etc. But what about something like the traffic
> laws, where there is no wictim at first for driving without a license or in
> other recless ways. Certainly more people will be killed or maimed. Isn't
> this a too high price to pay for the added freedom? I havn't made my mind up
> yet.
> Does anybody know any good sources of the abolishment of victimless crimes?
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Max M Rasmussen, New Media Director Denmark
> # Private
> TheWorld =~ s/Microsoft Corporation//g;

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