Delicate complexity? (was: RE: computronium prime-oxide_

From: Nick Bostrom (
Date: Sun Nov 22 1998 - 16:32:42 MST

Hal Finney wrote:

> they ran into balancing problems, where trivial
> strategies would dominate (often a problem with alife simulations).
> At last report they were introducing various ad hoc rules and limitations
> to try to get robust evolutionary behavior.

At this most basic level, complexity or growth in compexity does
certainly not seem to be the most likely or natural situation. But
since it's boring (for the human psychology) we change the parameters
until we get something interesting. I makes me wonder if we may not
be prone to overestimate the likelihood that the far future will be

Nick Bostrom
Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
London School of Economics

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