Re: Information Security?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri Nov 20 1998 - 00:08:19 MST

I need to clarify my previous note. I am not a wannabe looking to find
out more about hacking.

I have been a security consultant for 18+ years, worked for many
government agencies on black projects, incorporated my own security
company in 1995, currently have a contract to provide my security
expertise solely through IBM's I/T Security Consulting Practice, and
have submitted a security invention for possible consideration for a

I am a professional Security Consultant who makes money by protecting
large companies and state government agencies from hackers. (No spooky
stuff, anymore, just business.) I work one-third of my time out of my
house, and two-thirds of my time flying around the country to customer

If there is anybody else out there doing similar stuff, or having
similar interests, I would like to contact you. I am turning down six
engagements for every one I can fill. There aren't enough security
consultants to fill the need. I am not in a position to train anybody,
because I'm too busy. But if anybody already has expertise in security
or computers, especially if they are intelligent or creative thinkers
like on this list, I would really like to talk to you.

Harvey Newstrom                                  <>
Author, Engineer, Entrepreneur,             <>
Consultant, Researcher, Scientist.           <ldap//>

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