Re: singleton and memetics

From: christophe delriviere (
Date: Wed Nov 18 1998 - 18:03:18 MST

Anders Sandberg wrote:

> But this is an entity whose internal world may be a rich source of
> information; it might even be more interesting than the outside
> universe.

Rich and interesting according to our standards.
if the bandwidth is small between the entity and the external universe
then there is only the internal universe that could be really

> > i think a value system is part of an identity. For a single isolated
> > system, i think it could be very very difficult to emerge an
> identity.
> Is there any need for an identity?

No, i don't think so, but the system is probably less chaotic if there
is some way to emerge one.
beside, perhaps that if you look at a correctly configured thing that
doesn't have a real internal 'identity generator' you could be misguided
to believe that it has one.

> > So if you want to emerge a kewl singleton of a certain size and
> > complexity, i think you will probably have to make little brothers
> of
> > the same order for him ;)..
> Besides, it is much easier to make many small entities than one huge
> all-encompassing one. And the social life becomes more interesting.

yes, we could call it social life ;).


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