Re: Personality Types: privacy etc.

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Nov 18 1998 - 23:58:16 MST

> >so heres the idea: get a group of volunteers willing to do something like
> >what i did with the meyers briggs test results: collect the info, strip off
> >the identities, tabulate and post the data...
> You might want to check out VoteBot:
> >Read the article at:
> >
> >
> >Check out the Votebot site at:

thanks patrick! i had almost given up on the idea of using an
anonymous website. i was concerned the web technique
offers perfect anonymity, but no protection against multiple
voters. my notion was that we would sacrifice just a modicum
of privacy for reasonably good data protection. im now
nearly convinced the right way is to protect privacy at
all costs, and take the poll results with a grain of salt... {8^D spike

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