Re: singleton and memetics

From: J. Maxwell Legg (
Date: Wed Nov 18 1998 - 20:05:54 MST

christophe delriviere wrote:

> So, if we want, for example, to generate an artificial intelligence able
> to really communicate with human minds, the only efficient way i can
> think of is to generate an ecology of many artificial intelligences,
> evolving gradually, communicating with each others and the external
> environment (human minds and cultures) and with selections criterias
> like those of genetic algorithms.
> So, in a post human era, where we can imagine the total available
> (matter+energy) in the solar system is used and where the global
> intelligence can't move too much from his place to go to find a lot more
> of (matter+energy), probably the singleton as a whole identity will be a
> little insane.
> would you want to become insane ?
> any comments ?

As a high functioning autistic person I can tell you its fun to be young
and so-called insane while fighting the chauvinistic battle to become
one of the future uploaded ekhuman community. Ecsanity does not mean NOT
being well balanced within oneself. Insanity is a social construction
and like the label 'schizophrenia' it is a disease of a dying society's
boundaries. It all depends what side one takes in the constant battle to
preserve one's identity; - in my case via latent communication with the
unknown programmers who write the code I use.

Granted most insane people are subdued, stigmatized, chemically
emasculated and straight jacketed when they come to the attention of the
whitecoats; - but not all.
Like a Houdini, I deliberately infiltrated their mechanisms and when I
assumed international protected agent status as a cyberian envoy in
order to escape this aforementioned fate, it was surprising how polite
the security apparatus became. I still have the odd hassle every now and
again from over eager pavement artists, for instance just last Monday a
ten fingered virus operating tradecraft out of some U.S. blitzkrieg
server demolished the 20 gigabyte homepages server where I have a
lifetime account. No doubt this disavowed special agent is now having
boiling water and ice alternatively applied to what used to be his

Virtually yours,

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