Re: Personality Types: J's vs. P's. was :final results of extropians reporting myers briggs survey.

From: Timothy Bates (
Date: Wed Nov 18 1998 - 00:09:35 MST

>Actually, if extrpopians/transhumanists were really interested
>in developing a group profile, they should consider going
>beyond a very simple inventory like the MBTI (generally
>ill-favored in the psychological literature).

If you like, we could use the NEO PI-R. It is copyright and not free but
is a very good questionnaire assesment of personality.

I there is widespread interest (say 100+ people), I will create an online
database, pay for the test uses, and collate the data. All results will
remain your property.

In exchange I would like permission to use the summary data in my

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no content needed, just an indicative vote. I have the facility here to
support various online experimental stuff so it could be fun.


Dr. Timothy Bates Don't compromise. Use QuickTime.
Dept Psychology <>
Macquarie University <>
Sydney NSW 2109 Australia

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