Re: DIPLOMACY: Memetic Morphing

From: BilLee Miller (
Date: Tue Nov 17 1998 - 19:11:59 MST

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Ken Meyering wrote:

> Spike Jones <> wrote:
> > Ken Meyering wrote:
> >
> > > Does anyone know of any systematic deprogramming techniques that
> > > can be used to efficiently reprogram Regilious believe systems to
> > > rational belief systems?
> >
> > its easier than it sounds ken. just send em images of westerners
> > being themselves. having fun. our sitcoms would work just fine. i
> > am told 'dallas' may be the most influential television show in
> > history, because for some strange reason the chinese were fascinated
> > by it. go figure. {8^D spike
> I'll do the "The Truman Show" for the Third World, if they put up with
> my independent thoughts and actions.
> See
> Think of November 17, 1998 Quantum Computing and Nanotech as being the
> equivalent of December 7, 1941 Enigma Machine.
> We can blame it on Truman: "The Buck Stops Here."
> P.S. As a kid I wondered why my television went from Channel 2 to 13,
> what happened to Channel 1?
> -------------------
> ken@define.come

        When I was younger I was told that it was because No. 1 had the
sense of being the best and broadcast channel that was given the title of
Channel 1 would be considered to have an "unfair" marketing advantage.
Whether or not this was the case is not known to me. If someone knows to
the contrary let me know.

In Liberty, For Extropy;
BilLee Miller
member, ExI

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