Re: MEDIA: "Immortality on "48 Hours"

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 16:09:04 MST

>The Calorie restriction segment was amazingly devoid of useful
>information. And, from what I hear, they left out some
>qualifications on what Weindruch said about whether people should
>try CR, like, "there's good reason to believe it will work in
>humans, but we can't know for certain yet..." leaving the viewer
>instead with the impression that he thinks there's essentially
>LITTLE reason to believe it will work in humans, which is definitely
>not his view.
>They also didn't mention that there are hundreds of other people on
>the diet, many of whom are pulling together a study to be submitted
>to a gerontology journal. I spent hours talking about this.... Very
>Producers have a vision. The produce it. That's it.
>Brian Delaney

I thought you presented yourself very well, Brian.
And it was nice to see the face behind the words.
Nice licks on the gitbox, too.


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