Re: NANO: Skeptical MIT Tech Review Interview

From: Kathryn Aegis (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 08:01:47 MST

Doug Bailey:
> Again, we see skeptics who should know better basically saying certain
> technological accomplishments are impossible without any firm theoretical
> substantiation for such a finding.

Why so quick to label any sort of critique of nanotech as uninformed
skepticism? I think that a healthy dose of skepticism (and Whitesides
seems to have quite a background to conduct such a critique) will help
keep nano enthusiasts focused on just what can realistically be
accomplished. I see nothing in the quotes you provided that indicates
that Whitesides considers nano applications to be 'impossible'--I doubt
that he would have expended so much time in reviewing a technology that
had no hint of potential success.

We can't have it both ways--we set ourselves up as skeptics to provide
critiques on religion and bogus science, but then turn and scream at
anyone who dares to suggest that every nano pipe dream won't come
true. I welcome essays like Whitesides and hope to read more like
them, because if nano is to gain any credibility it must first survive
such scrutiny.


Kathryn Aegis

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