Re: what does the word grok mean?

From: Dan Clemmensen (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 06:20:51 MST

Timothy Bates wrote:
> Hi Spike and listers,
> >Timothy Bates wrote:
> >> As you go on to note, libertarian's just don't grok tax in the first...
> Spike said:
> >define please this term "grok." i saw it used in ed regis' book
> >nano, but the context was uncertain. thanks! spike
> grok is Unix-geek speak: it means "get it".
> if you are etomologically minded, check out
Grok is from the 1960's science fiction classic
"Stranger in a Strange Land", by Robert Heinlein.

It is the Martian word for "to eat", but is nearly always
used in in the context of "to understand".
"To grok the fullness" is to completely understand.

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