Re: you're not funding *that* with *my* taxes!

From: Randall Randall (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 01:21:04 MST

Spike wrote:
> Timothy Bates wrote:
> > As you go on to note, libertarian's just don't grok tax in the first...
> define please this term "grok." i saw it used in ed regis' book
> nano, but the context was uncertain. thanks! spike
As most people use it, it means `understand`. It is defined
to mean a wide variety of things, depending on the context,
by Robert Heinlein, in _Stranger_in_a_Strange_Land_. If you
have never read this book (and apparently you haven't), you
should, IMHO.

It was too early for it, but you could probably define it best
as "carry as part of one's memeset", which would fit nicely
with Mr. Bates usage.


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