Re: Gingrich, Moynihan step down

From: Paul Hughes (
Date: Thu Nov 12 1998 - 20:53:41 MST

Max More wrote:

> >It may not be a part of everyone's nature - but is certainly a part of
> those who
> >are mutating or evolving beyond the norms of their particular tribes reality
> >tunnel. As practicing transhumanist we can certainly fall into this
> category.
> What's your evidence for this Paul? I'm not denying it, but I'm not
> convinced either.

Perhaps I overstepped my assertion here. I meant to say it's been my experience
the more someone explores alternative reality tunnels, the more they're likely to
hide it from the 'tribal' consensus. Obviously, there would be very little
memetic change if this were completely true. I for one am *not* totally open on
certain issues, as it could cost me my job. Its simply a matter of degree. To
use an extreme example - would you feel comfortable discussing your views on
interracial relationships at a Ku Klux Klan meeting? Probably not if you value
your life. Either you hide your views from the Klan collective or you get the
hell out of Klan City. I think the same can be said for most people who find
themselves outside their cultural continuum. Because of that, I am not surprised
that the majority of transhumanists are strong privacy advocates.

> Personally, I'm not a private person. I've always been
> extremely open about my views and interests, even when those around me are
> not in sync.

I do not dispute this, but I think it's no coincidence either that you've chosen
the west coast of the U.S. as your home. I can't think of a better place (short
of an off-shore colony) where extropian views will be met with the least
resistance or prejudice.


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