Amplifying Cognition : Remembrance Agent.

From: christophe delriviere (
Date: Wed Nov 11 1998 - 18:48:32 MST

i've just read the paper "Amplifying Cognition: Extending Memory and
Intelligence" by Anders.
available at

I find it a very good and interesting paper and more precisely, i find
the idea underlying the Remembrance Agent very attractive. a priori, i
think it can provide me a great help in my current private writing (not
really transendant ;)... but anyway...).

i've checked the Remembrance Agent Page at the MIT :

but this great stuff is running under UNIX... that's too sad for me
because my complete current environment is under win95 ;(..

is somebody aware of some software doing the same thing but win95
or more probably could somebody tell me if it's easy to make this
program work under w95 with some kind of emulator?

thank you, anyway...


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