Europen view Re: what happened here?

From: Bernard Hughes (
Date: Tue Nov 10 1998 - 12:29:25 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:

> Nah, we've just gotten a lot more subscribers from Europe, New Zealand and
> Australia. Consequently, the number of people with socialist leanings has
> gone up. They seem to have this quirky notion that you can make everything
> equal for everyone without stealing anything from anybody, or annoying anyone

 I say, that's a bit of an exaggeration, what? To caricature the American view,
each person magically acquires all that they have by entirely by their own
efforts, and at some point begin trading in the great market with the goods so

 Those with more of a sense of history might think much of what you posses is a
gift from the Past, (e.g. language, culture, technology), and feel moved to
continue that trade into the future. I don't see any conflict in this with the
Extropian Principles as posted by Max.

 Since I believe in maximizing freedom of the individual, I wouldn't want to
force trading between the past and the future on others. I'm hopeful than
self-replicating systems and the like will enable total individualists to go
their own way, and various forms of collective association association to
flourish. For me, the negative in Socialism is the coercion of those who don't
desire to redistribute any of their wealth, not the desire to take part in a
"gift culture" as well as a money market one.

Bernard J Hughes
Timedancer Systems
 -- Creative Laziness at its best --

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