Re: Alcor member on Houston TV this Tuesday?

Date: Mon Nov 09 1998 - 01:59:51 MST

In a message dated 11/9/98 2:54:47 AM Central Daylight Time,

<< Me, probably. I think I remember that the reporter mentioned that she had
 done another member interview, but I can't recall whether she said that one
 was in Houston. It's always hard to tell how a finally edited television
 piece will turn out from the interview (I've had hatchet jobs done on the
 cutting room floor), but the reporter, Theresa Rodriguez, seemed genuinely
 interested and to not have a negative slant on the subject. She was headed
 Phoenix after our interview, so there will likely be some shots of the Alcor
 facility and some talking heads (ugh) from there, as well.
 I'm overseas this week, but my wife intends to tape the piece when it airs.
 In true transhuman fashion, in case of technical snafus, I'd appreciate a
 back-up from any local Textropians. >>

I live in Houston, when will it come on?


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