Life Extension (Re: CR [Cycles Fasts Suspended Animation NDE Lifespans Fitness])

From: Wayne Hayes (
Date: Sat Nov 07 1998 - 12:41:59 MST

On Fri, 06 Nov 1998, "man immortal" <> writes:
>Here's something to think about:
>For the millions of years our ancestors hunted and gathered their food
>with claws and fangs, how many days a year did each go without dinner?
>Now, are you sure eating 3 square meals a day for the rest of your life
>is the right thing to do?

No, but the above implication isn't a very good argument. I could make
the same argument about sprained ankles:

For the hundreds of thousands of years our more recent ancestors hunted
and gathered their food without good footwear, how many times each year
did they sprain their ankles? Now, are you sure that wearing sturdy
footwear for the rest of your life is the right thing to do?

I'm not saying CR is bad; some of the other data posted to this list
about CR is very interesting. But the above argument is... less than

"The meaning of life? That's easy. Try to  || Wayne Hayes,
have fun, try not to hurt people, hope to  ||  Astrophysics, Computer Science,
fall in love."-Mallory Keaton,_Family Ties_||

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