(fwd) Re: is fat in chocolate bars harmful??

From: Doug Skrecky (oberon@vcn.bc.ca)
Date: Thu Nov 05 1998 - 01:30:16 MST

From: oberon@vcn.bc.ca (Doug Skrecky)
Newsgroups: alt.health,misc.health.alternative,sci.life-extension,alt.folklore.herbs,sci.med.nutrition

jmh (jhm@n2.net) wrote:
: could someone please post or email me if there have been any studies on the
: health benefits or dangers of commercial chocolate. So many people eat
: chocolate yet not much is mentioned about the health aspect. thanks much in
: advance.
Chocolate fat or cocoa butter has no effects on cholesterol. (Metabolism
42(1): 121-129 1993) Looks pretty harmless, unless dairy butter is added
as with belgian chocolates.

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