Re: Technology evolves, ergo automation evolves, until...

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Tue Nov 03 1998 - 10:46:50 MST

John E Westerlage wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Nov 1998 10:57:36 +0100 "Max M" <> writes:
> >
> >What most of this solar cell discussion really seem to strand on is
> >the energy storage.
> >
> Why store it? Why not dump it into a world wide power grid?

Solar power generating stations suffer from one serious fault: peak
demand incompatibility. being able to store power from this intermittent
source for supply to the grid at periods of peak demand (when the power
is also worth the most) is of utmost importance.

As for the amount of power it generates, the area of Arizona should see
a solar flux level equivalent to over 250 terawatts. Given that the only
solar technology currently available which has any kind of near-market
cost effectiveness is thin film amorphous, which has a conversion
efficiency of around 10%, we are talking about 25 terawatts of generated
power. Accounting for DC to AC inveting and distribution losses, we are
talking about 20 terawatts of power. This is a significant amount, but
not a significant percentage of the world power demand.

Mike Lorrey

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