selenium yeast lowers cholesterol

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Mon Nov 02 1998 - 09:47:17 MST

Nutrition Research 18(4): 735-742 1998
"Selenium Yeast is an Effective in Vitro and in Vivo Antioxidant and
Hypolipemic Agent in Normal Hamsters"


  Selenium as the selenite, selenomethionine, ebselen and yeast was
investigated in an in vitro low density lipoprotein oxidation model to
mimic the first step in atherogenesis. Ebselen and selenium yeast were
found to be the best antioxidents of the forms of selenium. Selenium yeast
was then given in two doses as a supplement to chow-fed hamsters for 15
days. The yeast significantly decreased total plasma cholesterol and the
atherogenic index but did not significantly diminish HDL and triglycerides.
Selenium yeast significantly decreased plasma lipid peroxides, low density
lipoprotein oxidation lag time, and maximum slope of oxidation. These
results indicate that selenium yeast is a powerful in vitro and in vivo
antioxidant as well as a hypolipemic agent. These two actions could explain
the benefit of selenium seen in epidemiology studies.

Additional note by poster:

  The selenium yeast used in the above experiment was Re-Natured Selenium
yeast from Grow Co., Hackensack, NJ.

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