Re: Aha! experiences

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Nov 01 1998 - 00:46:59 MST

Randall Randall wrote:

> Er..."The Devil"?

yup. {8^D

> Hm. Do you post from work, Spike? Some companies
> read employees' email...

i do on occasion randall. i have written stuff that i could
get in trouble for, but this isnt one of em. i never worried
about it much until all the hootenanny over the subpoenad
email from gates and the other miscreants that run software

i am told that all email should be treated as a postcard, and
i have for the most part, but i once calculated what would
be involved in monitoring or even sampling the email of worker bees
in a huge company like lockheed martin. it would be a herculean
task, even for the sunnyvale commercial space division alone,
not to mention a mind-numbing waste of time. i convinced
myself the resources would never be allocated. spike

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