Re: Economic Growth Assuming Machine Intelligence

From: Joe Jenkins (
Date: Thu Oct 01 1998 - 08:51:00 MDT

---Robin Hanson <> wrote:

> Economic Growth Assuming Machine Intelligence
> , .ps
> by Robin Hanson

Why have you assumed a state of slavery for the sentient beings? How
would self ownership and a right to ones own wages, for the machine
intelligences change your results?

Another assumption I'm still grappling with, is that the labor
population of machine intelligences could grow as fast as desired to
meet labor demand. I'm not so sure human or greater intelligences
wouldn't have a problem once they start seeing thousand of copies of
themselves in the population. Although, all you need to find is one
willing participant, this may still be a problem. Could you find one
human who is willing to undergo constant torture? Would the world be
satisfied if it starts seeing skyrocketing suicide rates? I know most
will disagree with me on this, but I think there might be some
socio-political unknowns that are not at all foreseeable that might
stop this dead in its tracts.

Joe Jenkins

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