intra-meal pauses increase calorie intake

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Wed Sep 30 1998 - 00:42:50 MDT

  Yeomans MR. Gray RW. Mitchell CJ. True S.
  Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1
  9QG, U.K.
  Independent effects of palatability and within-meal pauses on intake and
  appetite ratings in human volunteers.
  Appetite. 29(1):61-76, 1997 Aug.
  The effects of the introduction of timed pauses within meals and palatability
  on food intake and changes in rated appetite during a meal were assessed in
  three experiments in which volunteers ate a lunch of pasta with a tomato
  sauce. Eating was monitored using a disguised electronic balance attached to
  a micro-computer, which also allowed the introduction of timed pauses within
  meals. In the first experiment, 16 subjects were tested with both a bland and
  palatable food (with 0.27% oregano), with eating uninterrupted or with pauses
  after every 50 g consumed during which appetite ratings were completed. Both
  the addition of oregano and the introduction of regular within-meal pauses
  enhanced overall intake. Rated hunger increased in the early stages of eating
  the palatable food in the interrupted condition, and then declined, whereas
  hunger declined throughout with the bland food. Similarly, the linear
  function relating intake to time in the uninterrupted condition was greater
  with the palatable food. In the second experiment, nine subjects ate the
  palatable food with no pauses within meals, with 30-second pauses with
  appetite ratings or with 30-second pauses in a non-appetite task. Intake was
  greater in both pause conditions than when eating was uninterrupted. In
  Experiment 3, the effect of pause duration was investigated in a further 16
  subjects, with either no pause or a pause of 5, 30 or 60 seconds. Subjects
  ate more in all pause conditions than with no pauses, while ratings of hunger
  and fullness suggested that subjects were less satisfied at the end of the
  meal with longer pauses. These data confirm previous work which suggests that
  palatability exerts its effect by stimulating appetite and eating rate, but
  also suggest that the introduction of pauses within meals enhances intake as
  well, contradicting the idea that pausing within meals should reduce intake
  by allowing more time for post-ingestive satiety to develop.

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