Re: web based health studies

From: Dennis Roberts (
Date: Tue Sep 29 1998 - 18:16:56 MDT

> dennis, is it possible to add this as an experiment to your website? spike

Thought you'd never ask! Why yes Spike, the idea of an ongoing medical survey
is one I had considered myself and I have already begun some preliminary work.
I'm just trying to figure out the best way to implement such a site on a long
term basis. By the way far more men develop breast cancer than you might
imagine. Their prognosis is usually poor because, like you, they assume that
only women can get breast cancer. By the time they seek treatment the cancer
has metastastic lesions everywhere. Also many other beverages besides coffee
are implicated in renal stones--soft drinks and tea to name two. I live in the
Southeast where the incidence of stones climbs along with the temperature each
year probably due to the increase in iced tea consumption ( usually peaks out
in mid-July) and in informal surveys that I have done on my unfortunate
patients they confirm a fondness for glass after glass of the stuff.


Dennis Roberts
 Boost your website with our start-up page!
"Do not be deceived by...some false secondary power, by which, in weakness,
 we create distinctions, then deem that our puny boundaries
 are things which we percieve, and not which we have made." --- Wordsworth

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