Re: Logic of Abuse

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Sun Sep 27 1998 - 23:56:58 MDT

> IAN:
> I can't figure why a list of a group that I
> think stands for the highest ideals, for free
> and anti-dogmatic inquiry, consistently expresses
> the lowest varieties of anti-inquiry gangsterism.
> But the reason that such reactions are displayed
> by any subset of people is always the same: to
> prevent with noise the signal of inquiry that
> is perceived as a potential threat to existing
> memetic codes... hence the "logic of abuse."
Hardly. IMHO, the problem here is abuse of logic.

| Hara Ra <> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |
| |
| Man, Debug Thyself |
| - Graffiti at People's |
| Computer Company - 1976 |

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