Logic of Yoga

From: Ian Goddard (Ian@Goddard.net)
Date: Fri Sep 25 1998 - 14:24:17 MDT

At 01:39 PM 9/25/98 -0400, Doug Bailey wrote:

>Ian Goddard wrote:
>> The analysis of synthetic numeric identities here-
>> in allows us to see and thereby prove: (a) that
>> identity is conserved, expressed via the real num-
>> bers as a constant zero-sum, since, for example, n
>> is always as much more than x as x is less than n;
>> (b) that identity is therefore symmetrical; (c)
>> that Relative identity is holistic, since all non-
>> zero identity attributes are derived from other-
>> difference; and (d) that the Absolute (nonrelative)
>> identity of each and every thing equals zero.
>I guess at this point I am wondering what kind of useful insights can
>be drawn from the conclusions above. I can not find any. I'd rather
>identify to what end such a conclusion might contribute before
>wondering whether it is valid.

   IAN: For starters, union of previously assumed to
   be paradoxically related, or contrary, philosophies:



     Originating in India in the 5th century AD, the
     system of numeration used throughout the world
     today has proven to facilitate extreme accuracy
     in the modelling of the physical universe.

     As we shall observe, the Hindu number system
     also accurately models -- and thus explains and
     validates as logical -- the core metaphysics of
     the Hindu philosophy of yoga, or mystical union.


    The supreme truth in Hinduism is Brahman. Deities
    such as Shiva and Vishnu represent mere aspects of
    Brahman. According to Hindu scripture, "Brahman is
    all"[1] and yet "Brahman is without attributes."[2]
    Having zero attributes, Brahman is called "sunya,"
    which is Sanskrit for void and the number zero.

         "Sunya: void; the Nothing which is All.
           Sunya Brahman: [the brahman as the
              Void]; Supreme Nothingness."
             Glossary of Sanskrit terms [3]

    According to scripture, Brahman contains all forms
    and yet is formless; is the knower, knowledge, and
    the known and yet is "bereft of knower, knowledge,
    and known."[4] How can Brahman be all and nothing?
    How can Brahman be and also not-be x, y, and z?

    This all-and-nothing paradox is the nexus of centur-
    ies of confusion and dispute, not only between East
    and West but within Eastern philosophical systems.
    Here then is the resolution of this Hindu "paradox"
    via, appropriately enough, the Hindu number system.


    The claim that x is equal to all and x is equal to
    nothing is true if, and only if, all is equal to
    nothing; for, if x = a and x = 0, then a = 0. But
    how could everything possibly be equal to nothing?

    Hindu scripture says that "Brahman is one" (is an
    undivided unity) but appears to be many due to the
    process of "differentiation." [5] The mathematical
    definition of difference is that which is obtained
    by subtraction.[6] The operation of subtraction is
    therefore both the indicated and logical model of
    the process by which Brahman appears to be many.

           "Treat the laws and relationships
             of integers like those of the
            celestial bodies." George Cantor

    The subtraction table models a system wherein that
    one system (the whole table) is populated with many
    attributes by the same process that Brahman is pop-
    ulated by many: by the process of differentiation:
              (fixed-pitch font required)

                       0 1 2 3
                   0 | 0 1 2 3 |
                     | |
                   1 |-1 0 1 2 |
                     | |
                   2 |-2 -1 0 1 |
                     | |
                   3 |-3 -2 -1 0 |

                   Just Like Brahman

               THE TABLE IS ALL & NOTHING

    Exactly like Brahman, the whole table (as a model
    of a whole universe, or the All) contains all and
    yet is itself equal to nothing, because the sum of
    all differences between all differentiated numbers
    will always equal zero no matter how many or few
    numbers are differentiated. All difference = 0.

    The significance of difference lies in the fact
    that difference -- from zero difference, or same
    as, to nonzero differences -- defines the causal
    structure of identity, which in turn defines the
    fundamental nature of every thing and existence.
    Therefore, using the example of the zero-sum of
    all difference to model the supreme identity is
    not arbitrary, but is the exact model indicated.

    ERGO: it's a mathematic fact that the sum (yoga)
    of all differences (Brahman) equals zero (sunya).
    The all-and-nothing Brahman paradox is therefore
    not a contradiction but is in fact logically true
    with respect to the nature of the identity of the
    All, where the All is a whole system wherein all
    members are derived from differentiation, which
    is the means by which Brahman appears to contain
    many and by which any identity n is defined as n
    (a number n is primary its difference from zero).

    (The differentiation table, or identity matrix,
    serves as a comprehensive model of the structure
    of identity; a more complete analysis of this is
    found here: http://ian.goddard.net/identity.htm)


    The differentiation table explains not only how
    Brahman can be all and nothing, but it explains
    many if not all aspects of yogic philosophy such
    as the profoundly mystical and seemingly absurd
    principle of "Ajati," which declares that nothing
    ever exists or is ever actually created (the same
    is referred to in Buddhism as the "nonarising" of
    all apparent phenomena). The nonarising of things
    defines their void-like, or nonexistent, nature.
    As the Hindu scripture Mandukya Upanishad says:

    "[N]either the mind nor the objects perceived
     by the mind are ever born. ... That which is
     non-existent [0] in the beginning and in the
     end, is necessarily non-existent [0] in the
      middle. The objects we see are illusions,
        still they are regarded as if real."

                Mandukya Upanishad [7]

    If there is no difference, and then difference
    arises, yet the sum of All difference is equal
    to no difference(0), then in fact only nothing
    arises, hence the nonarising known as "Ajati."


    Yoga means "union," the union of the identity
    of the individual, the Atman, with the iden-
    tity of the supreme Brahman, which is the All.

    As the differential matrix shows, the identity
    of each thing relative to itself is zero, which
    is the same identity as the identity of the All.
    The zero of self-relation defines the Absolute,
    or nonrelative, nature of identity expressed in
    the differentiation n - n = 0, which means that
    there is no (0) difference between n and n, and
    therefore n = n -- the definition of identity.

    So the Absolute identity of each thing (0) is
    the same as, and thus is united with, the Abso-
    lute identity of everything (0); which also ex-
    plains why Hindu scripture proclaims that the
    absolute nature of things is nonexistent (0).


    The goal of the practice of yoga is to condition
    the mind to become like zero and in so doing, to
    establish an identity-union between the finite
    self, the Atman, and the infinite All, Brahman.

        "Everything is 'I', and I am no thing."
         Ramesh Balsekar, "The Final Truth" [8]

    The traditional yoga lifestyle strives toward the
    goals of asceticism, which seeks to zero-out all
    desires, attachments, emotions, and ego clinging.
    The goal of yoga is essentially to cause the mind
    to become like zero. In fact, the goal of medita-
    tion (the central feature of the yoga lifestyle)
    is to zero-out thoughts, to zero-out the mind and
    realize the true condition of reality... zero. To
    know the supreme become like the supreme... zero.

      "He who contemplates on sunya...is absorbed
       into space. . . think on the Great Void un-
       ceasingly. The Great Void, whose beginning
       is void, whose middle is void, [and] whose
       end is void...By contemplating continually
        on this, one obtains success [nirvana]."

                  The Siva Samhita [9]

              Buddhists agree with Hindus:

       "[I]t is only through the understanding of
       voidness that liberation from cyclic exist-
      ence is possible. ...Insight into voidness is
      therefore called 'the gateway to liberation.'"

         Geshe Rabten, "Echoes of Voidness" [10]


    The central teachings of the philosophy of yoga
    amount to a logical description of the differen-
    tial structure of identity and the zero-sum of
    all differences, proving that (1) the "All" can
    be all and nothing (zero); (2) the arising of
    infinite differences cannot constitute a devia-
    tion from nothing (zero); and (3) the Absolute
    (i.e., nonrelative) identity of each individual
    entity, which is zero, equals the Absolute iden-
    tity of the All, hence their logical union (yoga).

    This essay clearly proves that the most radically
    "mystical" and heretofore inexplicable aspects of
    the Hindu philosophy of yoga are in fact logical.

        --- (c) 1998 Ian Williams Goddard ---
    - free to copy nonprofit with author attribution -


    [1] "The Upanishads," translated by Eknath Easwaran.
    Petaluma California: Nilgiri Press, 1987, page 60.

    [2] "Viveka-Cudamani," by Sri Sankaracarya, trans-
    lated by Mohini M. Chatterji. Adyar India: The Theo-
    sophical Publishing House, 1932, verse 469, p. 177.

    [3] Glossary of Sanskrit Terms in Integral Yoga
    Literature: http://www.miraura.org/lit/skgl.html

    [4] "Thus Spake Sri Sankara," Madras India:
    Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1969, page 35.

    [5] "The Siva Samhita," translated by Srisa Chandra
    Vasu. New Delhi India: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers,
    1979, chapter 1, verse 67, page 10.

    [6] "The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics," edited by
    J. Daintith & R.D. Nelson. Penguin Books, 1989, p. 95.

    [7] "The Mandukyopanishad." Mysore India: Sri Rama-
    krishna Ashram, 1974, chapter 4, verse 28, p. 31.

    [8] "The Final Truth, Guide To Ultimate Understanding,"
    by Ramesh S. Balsekar. L.A.: Advaita Press, 1989, p.77.

    [9] "The Siva Samhita" (for details, see ref. [5]),
    chapter 5, verses 47, 160, and 161, pages 61 and 79.

    [10] "Echoes of Voidness," by Geshe Rabten, translated by
    Stephen Batchelor. London: Wisdom Publications, 1983, p.128.

   VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---------> http://Ian.Goddard.net

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