Re: BIO: Starfish and Lobsters

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Thu Sep 24 1998 - 11:36:38 MDT

Doug Bailey wrote:

> > In the realm of marine biology it has long been observed that both
> > starfish and lobsters have very unique traits which, to the best of
> > current biological knowledge, do not occur elsewhere in nature. For
> > one, starfish have regenerative capabilities: if one were to cut off
> > the limbs of a starfish (as many unknowing fishermen have often done)
> > it does not actually kill the fact it creates five more
> > in its place. Biologists know that this is an advanced form of budding,
> > but they do not know how or why.

As I recall, there are also a few species of lizard which can regrow their

Mike Lorrey

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