Singularity secrets revealed

From: Mitchell Porter (
Date: Sat Sep 19 1998 - 13:13:30 MDT

I'm happy to announce that I have discovered what will actually happen
at the Singularity, by the expedient of listing various possibilities
and flipping a coin. I can confirm, for example, that an SI really
would be fundamentally incomprehensible to human beings, and that it
would not uplift them. Whether it would leave them entirely alone,
however, remains uncertain.

Other findings:
i) Change does not stop after the Singularity, but continues to
*accelerate* forever;
ii) There is a "big win" in the intelligence-increase stakes waiting
for the first uploads or human-level AIs;
iii) An SI would *not* start growing in all directions at just below
iv) We or something we make can (and/or probably will) achieve
superintelligence within decades;
v) Nick Bostrom's "singleton thesis" is correct.

I hope that clarifies everything.

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