Re: before you go.....

From: Sarah Marr (
Date: Mon Sep 14 1998 - 09:41:11 MDT

At 17:14 14/09/98 +0200, Max Rasmussen wrote:
>From: Sarah Marr <>
>>Morals and ethics cannot be disproved, merely disagreed with.
>Ok let me rephrase that then... If I find that my morals and ethics has been
>disproved I am very willing to change my outlook. I think that most >h and
>X-tro's are more like that than the average population.
>I could be wrong though...

I still think that 'disprove' is the wrong term to use. It is rather like
someone disproving someone's love of Picasso. One can be persuaded to stop
liking Picasso (I suppose), but that doesn't disprove that one did like
Picasso. Morals and ethics are replaced, supplanted or augmented, rather
than disproved. Or, perhaps, the basis on which morals and ethics are
constructed may be proved to be inaccurate or ill-informed, I suppose.

Semantics-schmemantics, I know what you mean :)


>Max M Rasmussen
>New Media Director
>Download my latest album in
>high quality MP3 format for free at:

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