Re: Post-sexual?

From: Natasha Vita More (fka Nancie Clark) (
Date: Sun Sep 13 1998 - 07:32:49 MDT

At 05:26 PM 9/7/98 -0700, Anders wrote re dream-state sex:

>>The visuals were interesting, luminious
>> clouds of code linked by complex webs of function calls and message
>> passing floating over a plain of hardware.

Hal Finney gives a spin:

> It would seem logical to rewire the brain's
>reward system so that it got pleasure directly from solving problems.
>The sexual drive would be sublimated into problem solving.

A relay switch to redirect the high voltage of sexual stimulation with
feelings of overcoming or surmounting all odds redirected from the arousal
output to problem solving input could activate learning, mental
stimulation, energy or relaxation. What would happen to the learning curve
if learning caused the same excitement as sexual orgasm? If every time we
need to learn a new task, we experience a rush of physical ecstasy? How
about maintaining the afterglow effect for days at a time when you really
need to drop out of the rat race. Or, use that first moment's arousal to
aid curiosity and creativity.

"Creativity is intelligence with an erection." Victor Hugo

Natasha Vita More [fka Nancie Clark]:
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