Hollywood Economics ... RADIO: Transhumanism

From: Natasha Vita More (fka Nancie Clark) (natasha@natasha.cc)
Date: Sat Aug 29 1998 - 22:59:16 MDT

I'll rant along with Anders and Robin, and expand my target to include
films, literature, videos, as well as animation and cartooning that dazzle
the audience as well as projected faux idealism while mocking an
exponential status quo of doomsdayers toward an uplifting critical mass of
open ended possibilities of our future

At 01:02 PM 8/29/98 EDT, Greg wrote:

>The complete transformation of the world as we know it, sometime in the next
>50 years.

OK. Sure, good idea.

>Just kidding.

OK, Greg.

As I was saying, Hollywood has invested enormous amounts of money and
effort spawning a fiction-mix of heroic vs. evil storyline to dazzle the
audience while inhibiting any real critical thought about the future and
possible storylines that may hold biographical events and accomplishments
unveiling some insight in to how things just might be for fear that they
may be interpreted by the audience as a yawner.



Natasha Vita More [fka Nancie Clark]: www.natasha.cc
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