Re : I Love Extropy !

From: Jenny Peter Chambers (
Date: Thu Aug 20 1998 - 11:13:01 MDT

David McFadzean Wrote :

> Is everything posted from an unsubscribed address to
> be considered spam? If so, it is easy enough to block
> that from the list.

That address is subscribed. That address will remain
subscribed. You are completely contradicting the
Principals. You are a heretic. Any attempt to remove
that name from this list is beyond censorship.

If I start swearing at list members then you may remove
that name. Until then you will leave that name on this

You will not remove that name.

Extropy is not a Totalitarian State.

Max is not Joseph Stalin.

Questioning Extropy is not heresy, no matter how much
Max would like it to be. I will have my voice. Hired
goons or no hired goons.

I am still waiting for Max to address me directly.
I would appreciate it if his goons kept their mouths
shut. This matter does not concern you. It is between
myself and Max. What does Max fear ?

: )

I Love Extropy !

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