Re: Molecular CAD

Date: Tue Aug 11 1998 - 13:45:20 MDT

In a message dated 98-08-11 15:39:25 EDT, you write:

<< I've been searching around for molecular CAD tools
 and have so far found only Crystal Sketchpad and
 NanoCAD (and it's offspring). Crystal Sketchpad is
 clearly the most advanced of the two, since
 NanoCAD is very primitive in it's editing
 facilities. Are there any other molecular CAD
 packages (specifically geared toward
 nanotechnology) available? Wasn't Autodesk
 developing such software?


Check out and get the Chime 2 beta 4 browser plugin,
then look at the examples through their page. It's an amazing way of viewing
3d molecules, although I'm not sure how to make youer own, if you find out,
let me know please.



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