Extropy Institute: New address/phone, info update

From: Max More (maxmore@primenet.com)
Date: Sat Aug 08 1998 - 19:27:54 MDT

NOTE our new mailing address and phone number.

E X T R O P Y   I N S T I T U T E
---Catalyzing the Future---

769 El Camino Real, # 234, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, USA
Tel: (650) 917-1124   www.extropy.org   exi-info@extropy.org

Greetings!  We're sending you this information message either because you
requested it, or because someone suggested you would be interested. This
message tells you what Extropy Institute does and how to become involved. For
further information (and an online membership form), we encourage you to visit
our web site:

Max More, Ph.D.   more@extropy.org
President          Extropy Institute (ExI)

     Extropy = the extent of a system's intelligence, information, vitality,
     opportunity, and capacity for growth.

E X T R O P Y  I N S T I T U T E

Extropy Institute (ExI) is a 501[c][3] tax-exempt educational corporation,
founded in 1992 as an outgrowth of the Extropy journal. ExI acts a catalyst
a better future by helping individuals extend their lives, augment their
intelligence, optimize their psychology, and improve their communities. The
Institute pursues this catalytic role in two ways: through a creative process
of networking and an educational process of disseminating ideas.

In its creative role, the Institute brings together the finest critical and
innovative minds in an intellectual and social network. This network of
thinkers challenges conventional ideas about human limits and develops new
ideas about the use of technologies of all kinds to improve the future.
to develop careful thinking about extending the human life span, augmenting
human intelligence, improving human psychology, and refining economic and
political organization, Extropy Institute provides several forums for
networking and creative thinking. The Exponent newsletter gathers news of
developments, members' projects, and Institute activities. The EXTRO
conferences bring together thinkers from numerous fields of study. Other
seminars and local meetings, the Extropians email list, and the web site
provide additional forums for developing and refining ideas.

In its educational role, the Institute brings these (always open and evolving)
extropian ideas to the public in order to encourage more rational practices
beliefs. The Institute's web site provides information on extropian thinking
and links to further resources. Extropy Online presents extropian thinking
gathered from the best minds in a manner accessible to intelligent
non-specialists. The EXTRO conferences, in addition to their networking role,
also act as a means of communicating current extropian thinking to the public.
The Institute disseminates ideas and educates the public through
appearances of
its members on television and in newspapers, magazines, and books, and by
representing extropian perspectives at conferences and in debates.

In essence, the Institute seeks to catalyze continual discoveries that extend
our lives and increase the power and depth of our minds. While Institute
members may hold diverse and sometimes conflicting ideas about how to pursue
these ends, we agree in affirming the values expressed in the Extropian
Principles: Boundless Improvement, Self-Transformation, Self-Ownership,
Optimism, Intelligent Technology, and Spontaneous Order. [see

E X T R O P I A N S  O N  T H E  N E T

Extropy Institute sponsors a number of forums for sharing limit-busting,
life-extensionist, pro-technology, and other extropian ideas with bright,
like-minded individuals around the globe.

You can also access the Frequently Asked Questions file, and other Extropian
writings, on the World Wide Web. The official ExI Web page:

The most popular service is the Extropians e-mail list (founded in 1991),
boils over with lively discussion and debate on numerous topics. You can join
the members-only list by sending a message to:

In the body of your message put only the following:
          subscribe extropians <your e-mail address>

You can also unsubscribe yourself at any time in the same way, by replacing
"subscribe" with "unsubscribe".  For other Majordomo commands, send to the
above address with "help" in the body of the message (and nothing else).

You can find a web-based interface to the lists at:

There are several local lists for announcements and discussions around Los
Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area, the East Coast, and Europe. To subscribe,
substitute for "extropians" in the first command above:
exi-la  or  exi-bay  or  exi-east  exi-can (Canada)  or  exi-euro

A Hypermail archive of postings to the Extropian list can be found at:

ExI is creating a network of specialized email forums (NodeNet). These each
focus on a particular topic, such as life extension research, neural-computer
interfaces, future forecasting, investing in the future, data security, mind
uploading, personality alteration, economic effects of technology, creativity
and the arts, truth machines and privacy, data security, and others. Extropy
Institute members can subscribe to these forums free of charge. The NodeNet
forums are organized so as to maximize useful discussion, information, and
analysis. The unique perspective and expertise of the forums makes them a
benefit of ExI membership. You can find information on current forums on the
web site at www.extropy.org/nodenet.htm.

                               E X T R O P Y  O N L I N E

Moving to the web in its tenth year, Extropy is a magazine covering the full
range of advanced, emerging, and future technologies with an emphasis on how
the individual and society can and will adapt and profit from these

Since 1988, Extropy magazine has provided a forum for thinking and discussion
about the advancing wave of scientific and technological progress and its
impact on humanity. Extropy's interests are multi-disciplinary and
cross-disciplinary. As fascinated as we are with the technologies driving
change, we are essentially concerned with the relationship between
technological advance and philosophical, creative, cultural, psychological,
economic, interpersonal and political ideas and institutions. Just some of the
technologies and issues covered in Extropy Online:

* Advances in computers and human-computer interaction and integration.
* Intelligence augmentation through nutrients, new smart drugs, and cognitive
* Life extension treatments, nutritional supplements, the latest anti-aging
* Exploration of our conception of "human nature" in a world transformed by
advancing biotechnology.
* Applying critical and creative thining to living successfully in times of
rapid and deep technological change.
* Refining political and social organizations to adapt and prosper in an
environment of accelerating change.
* Rethinking traditional moralities in the face of scientific and

* Modifying mood and motivation with new drugs and cognitive management.
* Identifying and analyzing poor thinking about the desirability and
applications of radical new technologies.

If you're tired of shallow, trendy, or uncritical thinking on the
frontier, Extropy will satisfy, startle, and stimulate you.

    "I love it. Extropy excites the hell out of my mind." ZL, 1/93

    "In general I would call it the best periodical I have ever seen in my
life..." AC, 8/92

    "I just wanted to let you know that Extropy keeps getting better & better!
(as, of course, it must in order to be so named). What a uniformly excellent,
eclectic, thoughtful, well-written selection of articles. By far the most
thought-provoking, ground-breaking stuff in any magazine I read."  [PG, 7/94]

Note: Extropy moved to the Web in February 1998: http://www.extropy.org/eo/

Most back issues are still available in print.  URL:

E X T R O  C O N F E R E N C E S
Our successful third conference, EXTRO-3, took place in San Jose,
California in
August 1997, with Dr. Eric Drexler of the Institute for Molecular
as keynote speaker. 165 attendees a range of stimulating sessions and talked
with some of the leading extropic thinkers of today. Audio and videotapes of
all the sessions are available (at a discount for Institute members).

EXTRO-4, focusing on extension of the maximum human life span (both the
research being done, what measures can be taken today, and the economic and
psychological consequences), is being planned for early 1999, either in
California, Las Vegas, or Santa Fe. Members will receive updates, which will
also appear on the web site.

E X P O N E N T  N E W S L E T T E R
Our members' newsletter, Exponent, will become be sent by email only beginning
with the third quarter 1998 issue. We will also be putting back issues on the

E X T R O P Y  I N S T I T U T E  M E M B E R S  R E C E I V E:

Members ($85; students $30):
Exponent newsletter.
Entry to EXTRO conferences (members-only).
Invitations to all Extropy Institute social events per year, at least in
Non-student members can sponsor one student or other person of your choice for
Subscription to Extropians email lists.
Free subscription to NodeNet forums.
Discounts on books, tapes, and others items.

Benefactors ($300 per year for 4 years):
Exponent newsletter.
Quarterly letter from the president with current news.
Entry to EXTRO conferences (members-only).
Invitations to all Extropy Institute social events per year, at least in
Can sponsor one student or other person of your choice.
Subscription to Extropians email lists.
Free entry to NodeNet forums.
Special Benefactor-only gatherings.
Extra access to speakers at conferences.
Discounts on books, tapes, and others items.

Sponsors also receive personal updates from the president.

Send your email address to <exi-info@extropy.org> if you would like to
become a
free electronic member. This means you will receive occasional emails from us,
telling you about updates to the web site, including new material in Extropy
Online, EXTRO conference information, etc.

I would like to join Extropy Institute in shaping the future, Exponent, other
publications, information on events, and discounts on conferences, books,
tapes, and other items.   Annual rates:

USA: $85
Benefactor: $300 per year for 4 years.
Sponsor: $1,000 per year for 4 years.

[Amounts over the basic membership rate are tax-deductible]

EXTROPY magazine:
Package of all (17) printed issues: $109 (save 10%) Members: $99 (save 20%)

I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to sustain and expand
Extropy Institute's activities:

$25     $50     $100     $500     $1000     Other:     $

(Or you can pay online at <http://www.extropy.org/join.htm>)

Make checks payable to "Extropy Institute," and mail to:
Extropy Institute, 769 El Camino Real, # 234, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Tel: (650) 917-1124
E-mail: exi-info@extropy.org

Foreign orders: We can accept payment in either US dollars, or by
means of a check in your own currency.

CREDIT CARD ORDERS: MC [  ]  Visa [  ]  Amex [  ]
Card #                     Expires:            Total amount:
Your phone # (necessary if paying with credit card)

Your name:

EMAIL ADDRESS (needed for sending newsletter and renewal notices):

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