Re: LAW: "Communications Decency Act II" attached to spending bill in Senate

From: JF (
Date: Mon Jul 27 1998 - 04:11:03 MDT

den Otter wrote:

> Eugene Leitl wrote:
> > "Communications Decency Act II" attached to spending bill in Senate
> >
> >
> Yes, electronic freedom might turn out to be another pipe dream after
> all. Resistance is just too fragmented and lacks broad popular support,
> or so it seems.

 Hey, folks. Ultimately you're just gonna hafta "Do It"
(perhaps offshore)and wait for a possible slap on the wrist.

It's probable that a full-fledged American police state is just
around the corner. At least, that's the trend.


--The Pilgrim's Axiom--

"After an unknown number of laws are
passed, the unpredictability of the behavior
of an increasing number of individuals rises
exponentially due to this newly *manufactured* increase
in criminal behavior. Chaos is usually
the end result and so more laws are written
in an attempt to regain predictability.
At some point, paradoxically, lawlessness
rules where law abounds."

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