Re: [UPLOADING] It's not all about you

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Thu Jul 16 1998 - 11:51:26 MDT

Robin Hanson writes:

> >Why should they want to get bodies? Apart from intrinsically higher
> >and drastically cheaper diversity in artificial reality, ...
> All these people who don't think an upload would "be them" unless it
> was meat seem to prefer regular bodies.

Very well, but I very much doubt there will be a choice even on the
short run. If Darwin still holds, the fitter newcomers sooner or later
will come to compete for the resources. From the point of view of
these new fast, sleek beasts on the block, these atoms wasted on the
planetary core for 1 g habitat, the ecosystem to maintain you, and
even the utilization efficiency on the atoms in your body must seem
quite a waste.


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