Re: Disorders

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 10:47:20 MDT

Sharon Presley writes:
> I just joined the list and am jumping into the middle of this particular
> thread but have some comments for the people who made the following remarks
> (and others making a similar claim):

My instant Pavlovian canine's salivation to this: why are the
extropian women so very consistantly fascinated with the gender
(non)issue (why, I certainly do see a pattern here, as well to
the homosexual males' being statistically relevantly overpresented),
and is this of any (more) relevance to the list than the permanent
gun(ho)/anti-gun debate?

> [blahblahblah]

Not that I am running the list, or would wish to, or anything. Just curious.

[ducking and running]


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