Re: Automated Workforce..

Date: Sun Jul 12 1998 - 18:43:49 MDT

In a message dated 98-07-12 20:09:32 EDT, you write:

<< > Does anyone know of any COMPLETE theories on how the concept
> of having an
> automatic self-replicating, self-repairing, self-sufficient
> computer-based
> electronic workforce would be created?.
> John
> [The Human Mind Is Capable Of Solving The Problem Of The Human Mind]
   well...what come to my mind directly is the 1980 nasa's lunar base
 perhaps you can take a look at that : (artificial self replication
 page) >>

Theres also an article in an issue of Discovery which talks about self
replicating robots in the Sahara desert, which create an endless amount of
solar panels out of the elements in the sand, including chips, metal railings,
factories, furnaces etc... It also said that the technology for this is
currently available and would supply the whole world with power in a few
years, only taking up the size of the state of Arizona, I'm not sure how much
it would have costed, prolly cheaper now (article I read was 3 years ago), but
definately accomplishable if we really wanted to do it (I think they said
between 1 and 100 billion dollars). If its global every country could
contribute who wanted a part of it, it would become free to the consumer.
Plausible free energy, does anyone have more information on this?
Specifically the Sahara desert project? We need to start this project soon,
what is stopping us?


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