Re: Ethics

From: Joe Jenkins (
Date: Fri Jul 10 1998 - 14:10:34 MDT

---Daniel Fabulich <> wrote:

> As I noted in earlier posts, however, egoism is wrong, and we'd
> be better off with utilitarianism. Either way, however, these are
> theories about how you should go about getting what you want, not
> deciding what you want.
I'm new to this subject, but I've learned some from this thread. I
think you said something like- egoism is wrong because assuming it has
universal acceptance in the population is worse off than a universal
acceptance of utilitarianism. But wouldn't a universal acceptance of
utilitarianism in a population of inter-actors be an evolutionarily
unstable system? That would assume no defectors and leave us highly
vulnerable to potential defectors. This is the same problem as the
recent poster that thought we could eventually rid the world of evil.
Yes, egoism is not perfect in that it depends on pockets of
utilitarianism. But, what I think I've just said is that
utilitarianism is not perfect in that it depends on pockets of egoism.
 There is no utopia. NO UTOPIA.

Joe Jenkins
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