Non-lethal weapons (was Re: Are guns extropian?)

Date: Fri Jul 10 1998 - 08:06:20 MDT wrote:
>A nonlethal device that no one would be seriously hurt with. (absent the odd
>heart attack...but surely less lethal than airborne lead poisoning)...but ever
>bit as much a deterrant as a firearm.

However, according to Gary Kleck's research the deterrent effect works
both ways; criminals are deterred from attacking people with guns, but
also criminals with guns are deterred from physical attacks because the
guns are likely to kill if used. A criminal with a gun is less likely to
use it than a criminal with a knife... and a criminal with a non-lethal
weapon like this will just shoot you from cover then rob you, rape you
or whatever and run away.

So non-lethal weapons may *increase* the crime rate, not reduce it. Unless
you're miraculously going to prevent criminals getting them... but if you
could do that we could do it with normal guns too.


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