Re: The End of Privacy ?

Date: Fri Jul 03 1998 - 04:25:34 MDT

Gerhard Kessell-Haak [] wrote:
>For example, here in NZ the police don't wear guns, and the
>NZ society (ie. the summation of individuals) is generally wary of gun
>ownership. Most individuals can apply for a gun licence (and will
>probably get it), its just that most *don't want to* - because *as
>individuals* they have already seen the effects in the US - and its not a
>pretty sight.

Which is pretty strange, because New Zealand has one of the highest gun
ownership rates in the world (roughly one gun per four people according
to NZ police estimates, compared to roughly one gun per two people in the
US). What you say may apply in cities, but it's far from true in the
rural areas.


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